Developers, average salaries for Python developers are over $111k according to Zip Recruiter. In this Django Training for Python developers program you will use what you know of Python and apply it to build interactive websites with Django..You will fully understand how to customize Django admin and deploy a Django website into production. Learning Django will help you as a Python developer improve your skills and increase your career opportunities.You will be equipped to set up a Django website, perform website account management, work with media files and settings, conduct debugging and queries and customize Django administration. Skill-based training modules address: 1. Getting Started with Django, 2. Git, GitHub, and an App with a Model, 3. Template Filters and Tags, 4. Static Files, 5. Django Admin and the User Model, 6. URLs and Slugs, 7. Sending Email with Send Grid, 8. Forms and Widgets, 9. Model Forms, 10. User Registration, 11. Messages Framework, 12. Media Files, 13. Making Queries, Ajax, and View Functions, 14. Pagination and Ordering, 15. Advanced Querying and Search, 16. Deploying your Website to Production, and 16. Customizing Django Admin.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central