Monday, October 23, 2023

CS50x's Introduction to Computer Science (Harvard University)

Colleagues, the “Harvard University's CS50x” program is an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. CS50x is taught by David J. Malan, the Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science at Harvard University Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. The on-campus version of CS50x, CS50, is Harvard's largest course. Students who earn a satisfactory score on 9 problem sets (i.e., programming assignments) and a final project are eligible for a certificate. This is a self-paced course–you may take CS50x on your own schedule. Acquire a robust understanding of computer science and programming, learn to think algorithmically and solve programming problems efficiently, understand concepts like abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development, develop basic knowledge of C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTM, engage with a vibrant community of like-minded learners from all levels of experience, and develop and present a final programming project to your peers.

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide. 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team) 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Creative Problem Solving - Root Cause Analysis, 5 Whys, Feynman Technique & Beyond (new audio & ebook)

Colleagues, would you like to understand and master the top 10 creative problem solving techniques used by teams, individuals and organizations worldwide? The new Creative Problem Solving”  (Audible) (Kindle) book is your perfect starting point. You will learn: 1) The Characteristics of Creative Problem Solvers, 2) Mind Mapping, 3) Seven-Step Problem Solving Process, 4) Root Cause Analysis, 5) Force Field Analysis, 6) PESTEL Analysis, 7) Five Whys, 8) SCAMPER Technique, 9) SWOT Analysis, 10) Phoenix Checklist, and 11) Feynman Technique. The aim of this book is to furnish the reader with a comprehensive survey of the top ten most noteworthy problem-solving strategies and steer them towards selecting the ideal approach(es) for their conundrum, executing the method, and evaluating the outcome. This book endeavors to equip the reader with a thorough understanding of how to wield these techniques with efficacy, enabling them to tackle problems effectively across a spectrum of scenarios.

Listen today via Amazon Audible ( or

Read by way of Amazon Kindle (

This book is part of the Learning Wizard series (  

1 - Creative Problem Solving: Root Cause Analysis, 5 Whys, Feynman Technique and Beyond (Audible) (Kindle

2 - Transformation of the Global Education System - The Disruptive Impact of AI, Mixed Reality and Next Gen Knowledge Workers (Audible) (Kindle

3 - Gifted - Transform your life with lessons learned from the world’s most creative people (Audible) (Kindle

4 - The Art and Science of Learning - Ordinary Gifts … Exceptional Results (Audible) (Kindle

Much success, Genesys Digital (share with your team) [

Monday, October 16, 2023

DevOps Masters Program

Colleagues, in this comprehensive “DevOps Masters Program” you will become proficient in DevOps principles like CI/CD, Continuous Monitoring and Continuous Delivery, using tools like Puppet, Nagios, Chef, Ansible, Docker, Git & Jenkins. It includes training on Linux, Python, Docker, AWS DevOps Certification Training and Splunk. The curriculum has been determined by extensive research on 5000+ job descriptions across the globe. Training modules include: 1) Linux Fundamentals Certification Training - gain a strong foundation in Linux from scratch. This course will help you master important Linux concepts such as Linux installations, Packages, Architecture, File System, User Management, Scripting Data & various useful commands and utilities with sufficient hands-on experience. This course is also a gateway towards Linux Kernel, Linux Administration and Linux programming, 2) Python Scripting Certification Training - allows programmers to build applications easily and rapidly. This course is an introduction to Python scripting, which focuses on the concepts of Python. It will help you to perform operations on variable types. You will learn the importance of Python in real-time environment and will be able to develop applications based on the Object-Oriented Programming concept, 3) DevOps Certification Training - designed for IT professionals who want to become successful DevOps engineers. In this DevOps certification, you will learn the crucial concepts of DevOps. This certification in DevOps has helped professionals effectively learn DevOps online. Many active DevOps-related job openings exist, and some top companies are looking for certified DevOps professionals. Enroll in our DevOps course to master Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, 4) Docker Certification Training Course by Edureka is designed keeping in mind the needs of both beginners and professionals looking to appear for the Docker Certification Exam. You will learn the origins of the containerization technology and move on to create and deploy your own containerized applications. Get hands-on experience in using the different storage strategies, deploying multi-container applications using Docker Compose, and managing container clusters using Docker Swarm. Throughout this Instructor-led DCA Certification training, you will be working on real-life industry use cases, 5) Kubernetes Certification Training Course: Administrator (CKA) - will help you in clearing the official Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam. This interactive CKA certification training is created to help you learn how to set up your own Kubernetes Cluster, configure networking between pods and secure the cluster against unauthorized access. This Kubernetes training is live, instructor-led, and helps you master key Kubernetes concepts, with hands-on demonstrations which in turn helps you become a certified Kubernetes professional, and 6) AWS DevOps Engineer Certification Training - The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Certification exam endorses your technical expertise in provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform. Edureka's AWS DevOps training has been designed by industry experts having 10+ years of experience to help an aspiring individual develop the advanced technical skills on CodeCommit, Codepipeline, CloudFormation, OpsWorks, Beanstalk, and many more, required to successfully attempt the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional examination. Enroll in AWS DevOps course now to become a certified AWS DevOps professional. 

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide. 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

“Transformation of the Global Education System - The Disruptive Impact of AI, Mixed Reality and Next Gen Knowledge Workers” (new book on Amazon Audible & Kindle)

Friends, the new “Transformation of the Global Education System” book provides students, educators and administrators alike with valuable insights into the disruptive, yet beneficial, transformation which will occur in the global education system during the next 3-5 years and beyond. Although these trends will not happen immediately, their impact will be far-reaching and global in nature. This transformation will be driven by the combinatorial impact of artificial intelligence, mixed or immersive reality and the rise of next generation knowledge workers across most industries and sectors. Stakeholders who chose to embrace change will directly contribute to the advancement of 21st century education and society. Students are major students as stakeholders in education in the transformation we seek in global education. It is time to equip and nurture their skills, talents, and aspirations to bring about the change we seek in the world. For learners to function optimally in an interconnected world, educators must make deliberate efforts towards the quality of education made available.

Access today on Amazon:

Audible (

Kindle (  

Learning Wizardbook series:

1 - Transformation of the Global Education System - The Disruptive Impact of AI, Mixed Reality and Next Gen Knowledge Workers (Audible) (Kindle

2 - Creative Problem Solving: Root Cause Analysis, 5 Whys, Feynman Technique and Beyond (Audible) (Kindle

3 - Gifted - Transform your life with lessons learned from the world’s most creative people (Audible) (Kindle

4 - The Art and Science of Learning - Ordinary Gifts … Exceptional Results (Audible) (Kindle

Regards, Genesys Digital (Amazon Author Page) 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Python Django Training and Certification

Dev colleagues, this Python Django Training and Certification program will boost your career and earnings potential. Gain expertise in Django REST framework, Django Models, Django AJAX, Django jQuery, etc. You'll master Django web framework while working on real-time use cases and receive Django certification at the end of the course. Key topics include: Learn about Interpreted Languages, identify the Advantages and Disadvantages of Python, explore Pydoc, start Python, discuss Interpreter PATH, use the Interpreter, run a Python Script, discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows, explore Python Editors and IDEs, and use Variables, Keywords, Built-in Functions, Strings, Different literals, Math operators and expressions, Writing to the screen, String formatting, Command line parameters, and Flow Control. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Sequences and File Operations, 2) Deep Dive – Functions, Sorting, Errors and Exception, Regular Expressions and Packages, 3) Object Oriented Programming in Python, 3) Debugging, Databases and Project Skeletons, 4) Introduction to Django Web Framework, 5) Templates and Forms, 6) Models and Dynamic Web Pages, 7) Serialization, and 8) Parsing XML and JSON with Python.

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Download your free complimentary Python, R, TensorFlow & PyTorch - Career Transformation Guide

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)