Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Python Django Training and Certification

Python colleagues, the average salary of a Django professional is $117,000 per annum - Edureka’s Python Django Training and Certification course is curated by top industry experts. This extensive online interactive course is created to help you gain expertise in the Django REST framework, Django Models, Django AJAX, Django jQuery, and much more. You will also master the Django web framework while working on real-time use cases and receive Django certification at the end of the course. Enroll now to become a certified Python Django expert with Edureka.  You will gain proficiency in Python programming and develop real-world web applications using Django. This course will cover both the basics and the advanced concepts like writing Python scripts, file operations in Python, working with Databases, creating Views, Templates, Forms, Models and REST APIs in Django. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Sequences and File Operations, 2) Deep Dive – Functions, Sorting, Errors and Exception,, 3) Regular Expressions and Packages, 4) Object Oriented Programming in Python, 5) Debugging, Databases and Project Skeletons, 6) Introduction to Django Web Framework, 7) Templates and Forms, 8) Models and Dynamic Webpages, 8) Serialization, and 9) Parsing XML and JSON with Python.

Register today (individuals & teams): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (OLC)

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