Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Web Development in Python with Django (Building Backend Web Applications and APIs with Django)

WebDev colleagues, the Web Development in Python with Django program gets you up and running with the Django framework. Learn how to start Django projects and organize code using Django apps. You structure data and define behavior with Django models. You learn how to generate databases based on Django models, manipulate data in the database with Python, and manage a database with Django migrations. Display the data in your database in HTML using Django URL paths, Django views, and the Django Template Language; or display in JSON using Django Rest Framework’s (DRF) Serializers, Routers, and ViewSets. Securely receive, validate, and manipulate incoming user data in your Django Forms or in your DRF Serializers. You even learn how to run a development server inside of Docker. Finally, you learn how to deploy to the cloud in general and to Heroku specifically. Learn to Create a Django project with Django apps, Structure data in Django models for use in a database, Generate and manage a database entirely in Python, Display data via an API using Django Rest Framework, Display data in HTML Pages using Django, Receive and manipulate data via an API created with Django Rest Framework, Receive and manipulate data via HTML forms generated by Django and Deploy your project to the cloud. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Revisit Web Development Fundamental Concepts, 2) Prepare the Project and Manipulate Data, 3)  Display Data via an API, 4) Display Data in HTML Pages, 5) Receive and Manipulate Data via an API, 6) Receive and Manipulate Data via HTML Forms, and 7) Deployment. The program includes over 9 hours of instruction, leverages Python and the Django web framework to develop applications quickly and securely.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central

Monday, July 26, 2021

Linux Command Line (Training)

OSS colleagues, the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) training  is a powerful tool for users, developers, and administrators. Quick changes to a system with no Graphical Interface, such as many servers or some recovery tasks, can be accomplished with command line tools. It includes over 6 hours of instruction. Repetitive tasks, such as file management and local access control changes, can be done more efficiently from the command line than through a point-and-click interface. Learning to use the Linux CLI also prepares for full automation with scripting tools. Linux Command Line Complete Video Course introduces common utilities used at the Linux command line. While learning commands for specific tasks, you will obtain greater confidence navigating the Linux filesystem, understand how to locate and edit files, use Bash shell features for efficiency and automation, and be able to use built-in help for further exploration. Learn to Obtain greater confidence navigating the Linux filesystem, Locate and edit files from the Linux command line, Use Bash shell features for efficiency and automation and Use built in help for further exploration. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Accessing the Linux Command Line Interface, 2) Getting Help Within the System, 3) Manipulating Files, 4) Managing a Large Number of Files, 5) Editing Files from the Command Line, 6) Access Control: Basic File, 7)  Locating Files on the System,  8) Process Management, and 9) Basic Bash Shell Configuration.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson -  Online Learning Central

Thursday, July 22, 2021

RPA Lifecycle: Development and Testing (Robotics Process Automation)

Colleagues, the RPA Lifecycle: Development and Testing you will learn how to develop and test bots. For this, you will use Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client (or AAE Client) to record, modify, and run tasks. AAE Client is a desktop application with an intuitive interface that enables the creation of automated tasks with ease. It features ‘SMART’ Automation technology that quickly automates complex tasks without the need for any programming efforts. The learning will be reinforced through concept description, building bots, and guided practice.To adopt RPA, you begin with the Discovery and Design phases and proceed onto the Development and Testing phase. RPA Lifecycle – Development and Testing is the second course of the Specialization on Implementing RPA with Cognitive Solutions and Analytics.Learn the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client, the different types of Recorders and their uses in automating simple tasks, Workbench components, and the features and usage of Commands to create simple to complex bots.  Skill-based training modules include: 1) Understanding AAE Client - define the role of AAE Client in developing RPA. You will then use the various recorders for automating simple tasks that involve mouse-clicks, keystrokes, interacting with applications and web pages, and work with the Workbench components and commands to create Bots, 2) Using Commands I - the most important commands from the Commands library to create Bots, 3) Using Commands II - more important commands from the Commands library to create Bots, and 4) Using Commands III - additional commands from the Commands library to create Bots and the Course Project.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Java Programmer + Python Developer (Training)

Dev colleagues, the Java Programmer + Python Developer program will teach you the ins and outs of Python and Java programming. You will start coding quickly while learning from readings, presentations, exercises, and a final project. By course completion, you will have the skills you need to enter the job market as an entry-level Java or Python programmer. It includes 255 hours of training. You will learn Java syntax elements, concentrating on fundamental and universally useful elements, how Python works and what it's good for, and Python's place in the world of programming languages. High-demand and marketable skill-based training modules include: 1) Java Programmer - Java Introduction, Basics, Objects, Comparisons And Flow Control Structures, Array, Inheritance, Interfaces, Exceptions, Generics and Collections, and Inner Classes, 2) Python -  Basics, Functions and Modules, Math, Python Strings, Iterables: Sequences, Dictionaries, and Sets, Virtual Environments, Packages, and pip, Flow Control, Exception Handling, Python Dates and Times, File Processing and PEP8 and Pylint, 4) Advanced Python - Advanced Python Concepts, Regular Expressions, Working with Data, Testing and Debugging, Classes and Objects, and 4) Python Data Analysis with NumPy and pandas - JupyterLab, NumPy and pandas. Punch your ticket to career growth.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central 

Monday, July 19, 2021

Linux Performance Optimization (Red Hat Certification Exam 442 - Preparation)

OSS colleagues, this Linux Performance Optimization program will equip you to pass the (Red Hat Certification Exam 442. It includes over 9 hours of instruction to help you learn the skills necessary to prepare you for the Red Hat EX442 exam, add to your knowledge base for accomplishing the RHCA, and expand your knowledge of Linux optimization to run a more efficient system. Linux Performance Optimization includes a complete overview of all that is needed to optimize Performance on Linux servers and desktops from a practical perspective. It starts with a generic introduction to analyzing performance and the tools that are provided to do so. Next, it will discuss different tuning interfaces that exist within the Linux environment. The last part of the course will focus on performance optimization strategies for different types of workload. Skill-based training modules - mapped to the 442 exam include: 1) Performance Optimization Basics, 2) Tuning essentials, 3) Limiting Resource Usage, 4) Benchmarking, 5) Profiling, 6) Tracing, 7) Tuning for Small Files, 8) Tuning Memory, 9) Tuning for CPU-intensive Workloads, 10) Tuning File Services, 11) Database Workload Tuning, 12) Tuning Power Usage, 13) Tuning Virtualization, and 14) Sample Exam and End-of-module quizzes. Learn how to understand and analyze Linux performance to determine best optimization methods, which parts of the operating system you need to optimize, and the mechanisms in place to do that, and optimize Linux performance to manage servers with specific needs.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson -  Online Learning Central

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Google SEO Capstone Project

Colleagues, the  Google SEO Capstone Project program provides you with a solid foundation in SEO including the different elements comprising a website optimization client report, and arm you with skills you need to develop a tactical approach to SEO.Whether you have successfully completed the other courses in the Search Engine Optimization specialization, this project is your chance to apply the knowledge you’ve acquired to practice important SEO tactics and optimize a site of your choice from the ground-up and go through each of the major steps needed to execute your strategy including keyword research, competitive analysis, improving the site’s meta-data and on-page elements.. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Gauging a Site's Opportunity for Improvement - identify an existing section of your (or outside) website by using your skills to gauge a website’s opportunity for improvement and higher ranking. Once you have selected a website, you will create an SEO pitch to internal stakeholders, or potential clients, on why or how the website should be improved. Finally, you will develop a list of metrics that will help gather the information you need to begin to develop your SEO strategy to monitor and engage success, 2) Initial Research Phase - initial research required to begin optimizing a website. This milestone has three main activities including developing a buyer persona, conducting keyword research, and performing competitive research.The information you gather from this research process will help you develop a successful strategy for the website. 3) Conducting a Content Audit and Technical Review - examine the content of your competitors’ sites through a content audit to better position your own SEO campaign. You’ll also conduct an internal content audit to compare your site to those of your competitors and identify areas for improvement. In the final part of the milestone, you’ll perform a technical review of the site to identify any technical factors that may impact the ranking of the website, and 4) Milestone 4: Presenting Your Findings - develop a comprehensive presentation representing all the work you have done throughout the course. Using a standard outline, you’ll create one cohesive Word document and present your findings, analysis, and recommendations to your peers. The final presentation will also include a video in which you present your case to a potential client or employer outlining how your SEO strategy will improve ranking and business.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central

Monday, July 12, 2021

React: Zero to Full-Stack (Training)

Dev colleagues, the React: Zero to Full-Stack program equips you to become a full-stack developer with the React and MERN stacks. The program includes over 28 hours of instruction.  The four skill-based training modules cover: 1) Learn JavaScript - gives first-time JavaScript users what they need to become successful developers. Shaun Wassell offers a modern, full-fledged introduction to JavaScript. In particular, the viewer learns the modern syntax of JavaScript: ES6. Shaun delivers step-by-step guidance that takes the learner from the basic syntax and concepts of JavaScript, all the way through the more advanced concepts that are covered in technical interviews, 2) Learn React for Modern Web Applications - foundation in creating modern web applications using the latest version of React. React enables developers to create beautiful, performant, easily maintainable websites incredibly quickly. React is currently the most popular JavaScript framework on the market and is used by a majority of companies, yet it has one of the largest gaps between the number of employers who want it and the number of developers who know it. In short, 33% of employers need React skills, but only 19% of developers say they know React, 3) Node.js Essentials - write performant back-end applications in JavaScript by leveraging the Node.js runtime which enables JavaScript to be run outside the browser, JavaScript developers can write web servers, server-side scripts, and any number of other useful back-end programs, and 4) Full-Stack React - fundamentals of full-stack development with the MERN (MongoDB Express, React, and Node.js) stack. For the full stack, developers need to make sure both the front and back end communicate well together. Toward that end, this video teaches you how everything works, what the key responsibilities of each component are, and how they flow together, then the key points for developers.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central

Thursday, July 8, 2021

JavaScript Developer (Training)

Developers, this JavaScript Developer program uses JavaScript, jQuery, and Vue.js. Master JavaScript. Learn React and the latest React techniques to build an application. Then learn Vue.js, beginning with a simple "Hello, Vue!" app that takes you through the process of creating a small, but featureful math app. Master jQuery to maintain and modernize existing websites that use jQuery. When your coursework is complete, you will put your skills to use to build your own dynamic web application. The program includes 180 hours of training. Learn JavaScript, constructs, how to use JavaScript to access and change page elements and their properties, and how to test and debug JavaScript using Google Chrome, advanced JavaScript techniques that prepare you for learning specific frameworks, Vue and React frameworks for building applications. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Introduction to JavaScript - Basics, Variables, Arrays and Operators, JavaScript Functions, Built-In JavaScript Objects, Conditionals and Loops, Event Handlers and Listeners, HTML Document Object Model, CSS Object Model, Errors and Exceptions, 2) Advanced JavaScript Concepts - Node.js, Scope, var, let, and const, Arrow Functions, Rest Parameters, Spread Operator, Array Destructuring, Template Literals, Objects, the this Object, Array map() Method, Array filter() Method, Array find() Method, JavaScript Modules, Npm, 3) React - JSX and React Elements, Components, State, Routing, Styling React Apps, Game Logic, Effects, 4) Vue - Vue.js, Features, Directives, Implementing Game Logic, Transitions and Animations, and 5) Introduction to jQuery - Function and Selectors, Manipulation, Forms and Events, Effects, Ajax and jQuery, Converting from jQuery to JavaScript, and Converting from JavaScript to jQuery.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Linux on Azure: Deploying and Managing Linux on Azure

OSS colleagues,the Linux on Azure: Deploying and Managing Linux on Azure program includes 9 hours of instruction and teaches you everything you need to know to get up and running with Linux if you are a Microsoft Professional who needs to deploy, manage, and monitor Linux in an Azure environment. This comprehensive video course starts with the essentials, and then quickly moves forward from there, focusing on tasks that are specific for managing Linux workloads in an Azure environment. Content includes managing containers, monitoring Linux, working with configuration management tools, and working with Azure-specific services for managing Linux. This is a must-see course for anyone who needs to learn how to administer Linux on Azure. Learn to Get started with Azure, How to manage Linux in an Azure environment, How to handle typical Linux management tasks, Manage containers and Azure-specific tools that are available for managing containers as well as virtual machines, How to configure management, including tools such as Puppet, Ansible, Chef, and Salt, as well as the Azure Resource Manager, and Troubleshoot in Azure, as well as monitor resources through Nagios and Zabbix. High-demand, skill-based lessons include: 1) Linux and Azure Fundamentals, 2) Advanced Linux Administration, 3) Using Containers, 4) Deploying Linux in Azure Cloud, 5) Configuration Management, 6) Puppet Configuration Management tool. 7) Ansible, 8) Chef, 9) Salt, 10) Linux in Azure Troubleshooting, 11) Nagios, and 12) Introduction to Zabbix.

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson -  Online Learning Central