Wednesday, July 10, 2024

React (Nanodegree Program)

Dev colleagues, in the “React Nanodegree Program you will master this powerful UI library, and learn career-ready skills. Learn how to build declarative user interfaces for the web with React, and for iOS and Android with React Native. You'll also learn how to manage state more predictably in your applications with Redux. Skill-based lessons include: 1) React Fundamentals - learn fundamental React concepts and create interactive React components for web applications using JSX to render UI, manage state, and handle lifecycle events, 2) Why React? - learn why React was built and the functional JavaScript concepts you'll use in React, 3) Rendering UI with React - build reusable React components and you'll use JSX to create user interface elements, 4) State Management - manage state in React applications with props, useState, and controlled components, 5) Hooks - learn how hooks enable state and lifecycle in React components, 6) Routing - routing in React single-page applications using React Router, 7) MyReads: A Book Tracking App - create a web application that allows you to select and categorize books you have read, are currently reading, or want to read, 8) React and Redux - learn about Redux and the Redux ecosystem as a powerful tool to help you accomplish this. You will also learn how to use advanced testing techniques using JEST, 8) Managing State - learn techniques to make your state more predictable by moving your state to a central location and establishing strict rules for getting, listening, and updating that state, 9) UI plus Redux - move away from having state live in the DOM by creating a vanilla JavaScript application whose state is managed entirely by Redux, 10) Redux Middleware - create custom middleware and add it to your Redux store. This middleware will allow you to enhance your store by hooking into and intercepting actions before they reach any reducers, 11) Redux with React - add React to a Redux application and have the state of that application be managed by Redux, 12) Asynchronous Redux - abstract asynchronous events by creating your own custom Thunk middleware and adding it to your store, 13) React-Redux Bindings - leverage the react-redux bindings in order to leverage the benefits of a UI library like React and a state management library like Redux, 14) Implementing React plus Redux - build a real-world Redux application. You’ll also learn advanced Redux topics like reducer composition and normalization, 15) Testing with Jest - install and run JEST using synch and async functions, use snapshots, and perform DOM tests with React Testing Library, and 16) Project: Employee Polls Web App: HR needs a web app to create polls for employees to post and respond to scenario questions. Employees vote on responses and the dashboard lists employees by the number of polls created and answered.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide

For your reading pleasure consider: 

1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle


3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)  

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