Monday, July 1, 2024

HTML, CSS and Javascript for Web Developers (training)

Colleagues, in the “HTML, CSS and Javascript for Web Developers program you will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. Skill-based lessons include: 1) Introduction to HTML5 - Development Environment Setup, What is HTML?, Anatomy of an HTML Tag, Basic HTML Document Structure, HTML Content Models, Heading Elements, Lists, HTML Character Entity References, Creating Links, Displaying Images; 2) Introduction to CSS3 - Power of CSS, Anatomy of a CSS Rule, Element, Class, and ID Selectors, Combining Selectors, Pseudo-Class Selector, Style Placement, Conflict Resolution, Styling Text, The Box Model, The background Property; 3) Coding the Static Restaurant Site - Visit with the Client, Design Overview, Ground Rules and Overview of Setup, Coding Basics of Navbar Header, Coding Nav Menu Buttons, Fixing Navbar Layout, Text, and Dropdown Menus, Coding the Jumbotron, Coding Navigation Tiles, Coding the Footer; 4) Introduction to Javascript - Adjusting Development Environment for Javascript Development, Where to Place Javascript Code, Defining Variables, Function, and Scope, Javascript Types, Common Language Constraints, Handling Default Values, Creating Objects Using Object Literal Syntax, Passing Variables by Value vs. by Reference, Function Constructors, prototype, and the 'this' Keyword, Object Literals and the 'this' Keyword, Arrays, Closures, Fake Namespaces, Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs); and 5) Using Javascript to Build Web Applications - DOM Manipulation, Handling Events, The 'event' Argument, HTTP Basics, Ajax Basics, Processing JSON, Fixing Mobile Nav Menu Automatic Collapse, Dynamically Loading Home View Content, , Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View and Single Category View, and Changing 'active' Button Style Through Javascript.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide

For your reading pleasure consider: 

1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle


3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)  

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