Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Full Stack Web Developer (Nanodegree Program)

Colleagues, in the “Full Stack Web Developer - Nanodegree Programyou will learn how to create server-side, data-driven web applications that support any front-end and can scale to support hundreds of thousands of users. Skill-based lessons include: 1) SQL and Data Modeling for the Web - traverse the stack and develop an entire database-backed web application. By the end of the course, you'll have the fundamentals you need to start building web applications, including how to do Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on a database, how to apply these operations across both databases and web applications, how to set up relationships between elements of an application, and ultimately how to think about important principles and patterns in building data models for a web application, 2) Interacting with Databases Interact with relational databases. Review SQL and the Client-Server Model. Use Postgres, understand DBAPIs, and use psycopg2, 3) SQLAlchemy Basics - use SQLAlchemy and SQLAlchemy ORM to work with a relational database in Python, 4) Migrations, 5) Build a CRUD App with SQLAlchemy, 6) Project: Fyyur - demonstrate your new SQL and data modeling skills by creating a site to help coordinate bookings between artists and venues, 6) Project: API Development and Documentation - you will use the skills you’ve developed to build a Trivia API. The goal of this project is to use APIs to control and manage a web application using existing data models. You’ll be given a set of data models and the application front end. Your task will be to implement the API in Flask to make the, 7) Introduction to APIs - Internet Protocols and REST, 8) HTTP and Flask Basics - learn about HTTP—including methods, requests, responses and status codes— as well as how to set up a Flask app, and implement and test endpoints using Curl, and 8) Endpoints and Payloads - learn how Flask is extensible in itself to handle different kinds of methods, more complex endpoints, and to return formatted data to the client.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide

For your reading pleasure consider: 

1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle


3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)  

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