Sunday, July 7, 2024

CS50x's Introduction to Computer Science (Harvard University)

Colleagues, the “Harvard University's CS50x” program is an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. CS50x is taught by David J. Malan, the Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science at Harvard University Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. Students who earn a satisfactory score on 9 problem sets (i.e., programming assignments) and a final project are eligible for a certificate. This is a self-paced course–you may take CS50x on your own schedule. Acquire a robust understanding of computer science and programming, learn to think algorithmically and solve programming problems efficiently, understand concepts like abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development, develop basic knowledge of C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML, engage with a vibrant community of like-minded learners from all levels of experience, and develop and present a final programming project to your peers.

Enroll today (teams & execs are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide. 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team) 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Share Data Through the Art of Visualization (Google)

Share Data Through the Art of Visualization is the sixth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. You’ll learn how to visualize and present your data findings as you complete the data analysis process. This course will show you how data visualizations, such as visual dashboards, can help bring your data to life. You’ll also explore Tableau, a data visualization platform that will help you create effective visualizations for your presentations. Current Google Data Analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common data analyst tasks with the best tools and resources. Learners who complete this certificate program will be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as data analysts. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course you will - Understand the importance of data visualization. - Learn how to form a compelling narrative through data stories. - Gain an understanding of how to use Tableau to create dashboards and dashboard filters. - Discover how to use Tableau to create effective visualizations. - Explore the principles and practices involved with effective presentations. - Learn how to consider potential limitations associated with the data in your presentations. - Understand how to apply best practices to a Q&A with your audience.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Data Science  - Career Transformation Guide.

Explore our Data-Driven Organizations Audible and Kindle book series on Amazon:

1 - Data-Driven Decision-Making  (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - Implementing Data Science Methodology: From Data Wrangling to Data Viz (Audible) (Kindle)

3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - AI Academy (share with your team)


Monday, July 1, 2024

Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

Colleagues, the Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study program is the final course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. You’ll have the opportunity to complete a case study, which will help prepare you for your data analytics job hunt. Case studies are commonly used by employers to assess analytical skills. For your case study, you’ll choose an analytics-based scenario. You’ll then ask questions, prepare, process, analyze, visualize and act on the data from the scenario. You’ll also learn about useful job hunting skills, common interview questions and responses, and materials to build a portfolio online. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common data analyst tasks with the best tools and resources. Learners who complete this certificate program will be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as data analysts. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Learn the benefits and uses of case studies and portfolios in the job search. - Explore real world job interview scenarios and common interview questions. - Discover how case studies can be a part of the job interview process. - Examine and consider different case study scenarios. - Have the chance to complete your own case study for your portfolio. Lessons include: 1) Learn about capstone basics - Introducing the capstone project, Rishie: What employers look for in data analysts, Best-in-class; 2) Optional: Build your portfolio - Get started with your case study, Unlimited potential with analytics case studies, Share your portfolio; 3) Optional - Discussing your portfolio, Scenario video: Introduction, Scenario videos: : Case study Problem-solving, Negotiating terms, Nathan: VetNet and giving advice to vets; 4) Put your certificate to work - Congratulations on completing your Capstone Project, From all of us, Explore professional opportunities and Introducing Google AI Essentials. 

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Data Science  - Career Transformation Guide.

Explore our Data-Driven Organizations Audible and Kindle book series on Amazon:

1 - Data-Driven Decision-Making  (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - Implementing Data Science Methodology: From Data Wrangling to Data Viz (Audible) (Kindle)

3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - AI Academy (share with your team)

Javascript Kickstart (training)

Dev colleagues, the Javascript Kickstart training focuses on building a portfolio of projects using React + JavaScript. Once you are done, you will have a portfolio of several projects (apps, games, and utilities) published on the Web. Learners will follow a step-by-step guide to building several projects, all the way from design to publishing on the Web (with a link that you can share with your friends, family, and potential employers). Learn how to design an app (what to do before writing a single line of code) and break down the app development into smaller tasks. Understand how GitHub is used for maintaining complex apps. Gain an understanding of SDLC (software development lifecycle). Understand how to use React to build real-world projects. Learn how to structure the codebase in React projects. Develop several projects with JS + React (apps, games and utilities). And learn how to publish apps to the cloud within minutes. Skill-based lessons include: 1) Introduction and Setup - Netlify fundamentals, Install Netlify CLI; 2) Project 1 - React Components Library, Create a new React project, Understand what React components are, Install Storybook to manage components, Integrate MaterialUI for styling components, Build a TextInput component, Publish component library to npm; 3) Project 2 - To-Do List App - Design the To-Do List app, Build the Add To-Do components, Build the TodoListItem component, Add state to manage the To-Do list, Integrate localStorage to save the To-Do list, Add an option to delete tasks and an option to filter tasks, Publish app to Netlify; 4) Project 3 - Memory Card, Design the Memory Card game, Build the Card component, Implement that matching logic, Add a score tracker and sounds for match/no-match, Create a play/reset game button, Publish game to Netlify; 5) Project 4 - Chrome Extension - Understand the anatomy of a Chrome Extension, Convert To-Do list into a Chrome Extension, Test the To-Do list Chrome Extension and Publish the Chrome Extension.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide

For your reading pleasure consider: 

1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle


3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)  

Agile Project Management (certification training)

Colleagues, the Agile Project Management is the fifth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore the history, approach, and philosophy of Agile project management, including the Scrum framework. You will learn how to differentiate and blend Agile and other project management approaches. As you progress through the course, you will learn more about Scrum, exploring its pillars and values and comparing essential Scrum team roles. You will discover how to build, manage, and refine a product backlog, implement Agile’s value-driven delivery strategies, and define a value roadmap. You will also learn strategies to effectively organize the five important Scrum events for a Scrum team, introduce an Agile or Scrum approach to an organization, and coach an Agile team. Finally, you will learn how to search for and land opportunities in Agile roles. Current Google project managers will continue to instruct and provide you with the hands-on approaches, tools, and resources to meet your goals. Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Explain the Agile project management approach and philosophy, including values and principles. - Explain the pillars of Scrum and how they support Scrum values. - Identify and compare the essential roles in a Scrum team and what makes them effective. - Build and manage a Product Backlog and perform Backlog Refinement. - Describe the five important Scrum events and how to set up each event for a Scrum team. - Implement Agile’s value-driven delivery strategies and define a value roadmap. - Explain how to coach an Agile team and help them overcome challenges. - Conduct a job search for an Agile role and learn how to succeed in your interview.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide

For your reading pleasure consider: 

1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle


3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)

HTML, CSS and Javascript for Web Developers (training)

Colleagues, in the “HTML, CSS and Javascript for Web Developers program you will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. Skill-based lessons include: 1) Introduction to HTML5 - Development Environment Setup, What is HTML?, Anatomy of an HTML Tag, Basic HTML Document Structure, HTML Content Models, Heading Elements, Lists, HTML Character Entity References, Creating Links, Displaying Images; 2) Introduction to CSS3 - Power of CSS, Anatomy of a CSS Rule, Element, Class, and ID Selectors, Combining Selectors, Pseudo-Class Selector, Style Placement, Conflict Resolution, Styling Text, The Box Model, The background Property; 3) Coding the Static Restaurant Site - Visit with the Client, Design Overview, Ground Rules and Overview of Setup, Coding Basics of Navbar Header, Coding Nav Menu Buttons, Fixing Navbar Layout, Text, and Dropdown Menus, Coding the Jumbotron, Coding Navigation Tiles, Coding the Footer; 4) Introduction to Javascript - Adjusting Development Environment for Javascript Development, Where to Place Javascript Code, Defining Variables, Function, and Scope, Javascript Types, Common Language Constraints, Handling Default Values, Creating Objects Using Object Literal Syntax, Passing Variables by Value vs. by Reference, Function Constructors, prototype, and the 'this' Keyword, Object Literals and the 'this' Keyword, Arrays, Closures, Fake Namespaces, Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs); and 5) Using Javascript to Build Web Applications - DOM Manipulation, Handling Events, The 'event' Argument, HTTP Basics, Ajax Basics, Processing JSON, Fixing Mobile Nav Menu Automatic Collapse, Dynamically Loading Home View Content, , Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View and Single Category View, and Changing 'active' Button Style Through Javascript.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide

For your reading pleasure consider: 

1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle


3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)  

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project (Google)

Colleagues, the Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project course is part of the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will show you how to set a project up for success in the first phase of the project life cycle: the project initiation phase. In exploring the key components of this phase, you’ll learn how to define and manage project goals, deliverables, scope, and success criteria. You’ll discover how to use tools and templates like stakeholder analysis grids and project charters to help you set project expectations and communicate roles and responsibilities. Current Google project managers will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on approaches for accomplishing these tasks while showing you the best project management tools and resources for the job at hand. Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Understand the significance of the project initiation phase of the project life cycle. - Describe the key components of the project initiation phase. - Determine a project’s benefits and costs. - Define and create measurable project goals and deliverables. - Define project scope and differentiate among tasks that are in-scope and out-of-scope. - Understand how to manage scope creep to avoid impacting project goals. - Define and measure a project’s success criteria. - Complete a stakeholder analysis and explain its significance. - Utilize RACI charts to define and communicate project team member responsibilities. - Understand the key components of project charters and develop a project charter for project initiation. - Evaluate various project management tools to meet project needs.

Enroll today (teams & executives are welcome): 

Download your free Software Development - Career Transformation Guide

For your reading pleasure consider: 

1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle


3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)