Colleagues, in the C++ Nanodegree Program you will learn earn C++, a high-performance programming language used in the world's most exciting engineering jobs -- from self-driving cars and robotics to web browsers, media platforms, servers, and video games. Gain valuable, high-demand and highly marketable skills including: 1) C++ Foundations - A* search algorithm • Control flow • C++ syntax • C++ data structures • C++ file handling • C++ constants • Software project organization • C++ user input • C++ header files • Cmake • C++ pointers • C++ data types, 2) Object-Oriented Programming - C++ polymorphism • Encapsulation • Access specifiers • Inheritance • Abstraction • Generic programming • C++ data types, and 3) Memory Management - Computer memory architecture • Dynamic memory allocation • C++ copy and move semantics • Heap memory • Memory management in c++ • R-values • Smart pointers • Buffer overruns • Memory-efficient programming • Call-by-value • Rule of three • Memory leaks • L-values • Code debugging • Segmentation fault • Automatic memory allocation • Hexadecimal numbers • Variable scope • Call-by-reference • Rule of five • Memory fragmentation • Virtual memory • Stack memory • Ownership in memory management • Uninitialized memory bugs • Call stacks • Raii, and 4) Concurrency - Threading • Concurrent computing • Futures and promises • Parallel computing • Data races • Message queues.
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For your reading pleasure consider:
1 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)
2 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle)
3 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age (Audible) (Kindle)
Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (share with your team)