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Our mission is to equip professionals worldwide to achieve their career goals by offering them premier Training and Certification programs in Cloud, Finance, Software Development and Program Management.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
OSS colleagues, this Linux Certification Bundle enables you to earn certifications in ten (10) Linux disciplines. They include: 1 - Advance Linux System Administration, 2 - Start Learning Unix And LinuxRedHat Linux Essentials, 3 - RedHat Linux Essentials, 4 - Learn Linux In 5 Days And Level Up Your Career, 5 - Linux Administration Bootcamp: Go From Beginner To Advanced, 6 - Learn Linux The Easy Way, 7 - Learn Linux - Beginners Level, 8 - Linux, Unix OS Command Line And Introduction To Shell Scripting, 9 - Linux Shell Scripting: A Project-Based Approach To Learning, and 10 - Linux Tutorial For Beginners And Level Up Your Career. This bundle features Multiple courses, Lifetime access to each course, Certificate on completion of each course, discounts on individual courses as a bundle, and high priority after sales support. Take your open source career and income to the next level.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Dev & QA colleagues, the How to Debug JavaScript Errors program guides you through the basics of debugging and handling JavaScript errors to build a growth mindset approach to programming and prevent a crash in your applications. Learn how to debug your code and learn to predict and handle errors in your web applications. Intermediate JavaScript is a prerequisite, and you should be comfortable with arrays, objects, and looping through arrays. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Debugging JavaScript Code - Error Stack Traces, Read Error Stack Traces, Error Types, Debugging Errors, Locating Silent Bugs, Debugging with Console Log, Finding Documentation, Stack Overflow, and 2) Introduction to Seaborn - Use Seaborn, a Python data visualization library, to creabar charts for statistical analysis.te bar charts for statistical analysis
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Colleagues, in the Data Visualization training program you will build data visualizations and dashboards, considering your audiences to be as effective as possible. Then, youÕll move into drafting presentations using storytelling techniques, visualizations, and animations to provide data-driven recommendations.Combine data, visuals, and narrative to tell impactful stories and make data-driven decisions. Communicating effectively is one of the most important skills needed today, and every business is collecting data to make informed decisions. To be successful in this program, you should have basic statistics and data analysis skills. See detailed requirements. Learn how to select the most appropriate data visualization for an analysis, evaluate the effectiveness of a data visualization, and build interactive and engaging Tableau dashboards The three skill-based training modules - each with a hands-on project include: 1) Dashboard Designs - Design and create a dashboard in an enterprise environment. Discover user needs, identify key metrics, and tailor your dashboard to a particular audience (Project: Design a Data Dashboard); 2) Data Storytelling - Learn the end to end process for telling a story and providing a recommendation based on data. You'll define an effective problem statement, structure a data presentation, scope analyses, identify biases and limitations within your dataset, and pull together an end-to-end analysis (Project: Build a Data Story); and 3) Advanced Data Storytelling - Learn advanced data visualization and storytelling techniques. Learn to use Tableau Storypoint to add interactivity and other visual elements to a story, and add animation and narration with Tableau Pages and Flourish (Project: Animate a Data Story).
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Colleagues, the Deploying Apps with Netlify and Heroku training equips you to create a site or an app on your local computer, and now you want to share it with the world. What do you do? You could spend days on the deployment process—finding a hosting service, server space, a domain, and more—or you could use Heroku or Netlify! Heroku and Netlify are cloud platforms designed to make it easy for you to deploy your creations on the web. Netlify is specialized for static sites, while Heroku lets you create your own backend and deploy that way. Whether you want a step-by-step guide to Heroku, Netlify, or both, Codecademy has you covered. Learn the unique features of Netlify and Heroku and determine when to use each. Come away knowing how to deploy a range of static or dynamic apps and sites quickly, simply, and securely. If you need to get a static site up and running to share with people, Netlify got you covered. Gain knowledge and skills in Review core concepts you need to learn to master this subject, Deploying, Linking a Repo, Continuous Deployment, Site Logs, and Services. Quickly deploy applications using Heroku to get your Minimal Viable Product or Proof of Concept up and running.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Dev colleagues, the Full Stack JavaScript Developer program equips you to master the skills necessary to become a successful full stack developer. Learn how to build UI and UX, create APIs and server side business logic and develop the persistence layer to store, process and retrieve data. Training modules with hands-on projects include: 1) Backend Development with Node.js. There are quite a few technologies involved to build the backend of an application that’s enterprise ready - go through working with Node.js and the core modules available, writing TypeScript for developer error reduction, testing with Jasmine to introduce unit testing in a Test Driven Development environment, and working with Express as a framework for building APIs (Project: Image Processing API); 2) Creating an API with PostgreSQL and Express This course covers the primary skills required for API development. Students will build a RESTful JSON API with Node and Postgres. Along the way, you will cover essential topics like databases and querying, API architecture, database migrations, REST, CRUD (Project: Build a Storefront Backend); 3) Angular Fundamentals - In Angular Fundamentals, students will learn the most important and foundational skills for building Single Page Applications (SPAs). You will discover the architecture of an application, explore how to retrieve and flow data throughout an application, and see how applications scale in a maintainable and performant way. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to build new and expand existing Angular applications (Project: My Store); and 4) Deployment Process - Being able to deploy your own application is a skill that is often overlooked by developers, thus making it a rare and valuable skill to have! By building an automated pipeline and scripts students will gain insights into the world of automated deployments that has been revolutionizing how fast companies are able to deliver features to their customers.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
OSS Colleagues, the Developing Applications For Linux - Linux Foundation (LFD401 Training) will equip you to develop applications for Linux. This comprehensive program is for experienced developers. Students should be proficient in C programming and be familiar with basic Linux utilities and text editors. Skill-based training modules cover: 1) OSS Projects, 2) Compilers, 3) Libraries, 4) Source Control, 5) Debugging Tools and Core Dumps, 6) System Calls, 7) Memory Management and Allocation, 8) Filesystems in Linux, 9) File I/O, 10) Advanced File Operations, 11) Processes, 12) Pipes and Fifos,13) Asynchronous I/O, 14) Signals, 15) POSIX Threads, 16) Networking and Sockets (Addresses and Hosts, Ports and Protocols, Clients, Servers, Input/Output Operations, Options, Multiplexing and Concurrent Servers, Netlink Sockets), 17) Inter Process Communication, 18) Shared Memory, and 18) Semaphores and Message Queues.
Register today. Two live virtual instructor-led classes: (December 13-16, 2021 & January 10-13, 2022)
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Dev colleagues, the Full Stack Web Development with Angular Specialization equips you to build complete web and hybrid mobile solutions. Master front-end web, hybrid mobile app and server-side development in five comprehensive courses. The Applied Learning Project provides you with hands-on exercises, culminating in development of a full-fledged application at the end of each course. Each course also includes a mini-Capstone Project as part of the Honors Learn to implement client-side web UI frameworks, use of Angular Material and Angular Flex-Layout for UI design, utilize the Ionic mobile application framework, and build mobile apps for multiple platforms with a single codebase. Gain highly marketable skills including Bootstrap (Front-End Framework), Node.Js, Jquery, SASS (Stylesheet Language), Angularjs, Reactive Programming, Typescript, Authentication, Mongodb and. Express.Js. Training modules address: 1) Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap - client-side web UI frameworks, in particular Bootstrap 4. You will learn about grids and responsive design, Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript components. You will learn about CSS preprocessors, Less and Sass. You will also learn the basics of Node.js and NPM and task runners like Grunt and Gulp, b) Create a responsive web page design, and c) Make use of web tools to setup and manage websites, 2) Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular - learn Javascript based front-end frameworks, and in particular the Angular framework (Currently Ver. 6.x). This course will use Typescript for developing Angularjs applications. Typescript features will be introduced in the context of Angular as part of the exercises. You will also get an introduction to the use of Angular Material and Angular Flex-Layout for responsive UI design. You will be introduced to various aspects of Angular including components, directives and services. You will learn about data binding, Angular router and its use for developing single-page applications. You will also learn about designing both template-driven forms and reactive forms, and 3) Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB - Web protocols: HTTP and HTTPS. We examine NodeJS and NodeJS modules: Express for building web servers. On the database side, we review basic CRUD operations, NoSQL databases, in particular MongoDB and Mongoose for accessing MongoDB from NodeJS. We examine the REST concepts and build a RESTful API and review backend as a service (BaaS) approaches, including mobile BaaS, both open-source and commercial BaaS services.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Colleagues, the OPNFV Fundamentals (LFS264) program from the Linux Foundation will teach you the fundamentals of the Open Platform for NFV Project and how it can help accelerate your Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) transformation from fixed-function, proprietary devices to flexible, software-driven environments.Starting with an overview of NFV and OPNFV, this course then delves into the challenges OPNFV solves, then provides an overview of the feature, integration, and testing OPNFV projects, industry use cases and benefits. In addition to the theoretical learning, the course includes lab exercises that you can run on the Microsoft Azure Platform. These lab exercises revolve around deployment and testing, for a deeper learning of each of OPNFV’s key areas.This program is designed to provide a fundamental understanding and basic hands-on knowledge of the OPNFV project and a guide for navigating, participating, and benefiting from the OPNFV community. Skill-based training modules address: 1) Course Introduction, 2) NFV Basics and OPNFV Introduction, 3) Upstream Projects Integration, 4) Feature Projects, 5) Integration Projects, 6) Testing Projects, 7) OPNFV Use Cases, and 8) Lab Exercises.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Colleagues, master SQL, the core language for Big Data analysis, and enable insight-driven decision-making and strategy for your business. Perform analysis on data stored in relational and non-relational database systems to power strategic decision-making. Learn to determine, create, and execute SQL and NoSQL queries that manipulate and dissect large scale datasets. Begin by leveraging the power of SQL commands, functions, and data cleaning methodologies to join, aggregate, and clean tables, as well as complete performance tune analysis to provide strategic business recommendations. Finally, apply relational database management techniques to normalize data schemas in order to build the supporting data structures for a social news aggregator. Highly marketable, skill-based training modules include: 1) Introduction to SQL - learn how to execute core SQL commands to define, select, manipulate, control access, aggregate and join data and data tables. Understand when and how to use subqueries, several window functions, as well as partitions to complete complex tasks. Clean data, optimize SQL queries, and write select advanced JOINs to enhance analysis performance. Explain which cases you would want to use particular SQL commands, and apply the results from queries to address business problems (Project: Deforestation Exploration), 2) Management of Relational & Non-Relational Databases - databases need to be structured properly to enable efficient and effective querying and analysis of data. Build normalized, consistent, and performant relational data models. Use SQL Database Definition Language (DDL) to create the data schemas designed in Postgres and apply SQL Database Manipulation Language (DML) to migrate data from a denormalized schema to a normalized one. Understand the tradeoffs between relational databases and their non-relational counterparts, and justify which one is best for different scenarios. With a radical shift of paradigms, learn about MongoDB and Redis to get an understanding of the differences in behaviors and requirements for non-relational databases (Project: Udiddit, A Social News Aggregator).
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Colleagues, the Linux for System Engineers (LFS311) training will equip you to become a Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE ). The need for sysadmins with advanced administration and networking skills has never been greater, and competition for people with experience is fierce. Whether you’re looking for expert test prep for the Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE) certification, need training to help transition to Linux from other platforms, or you’re just brushing up on these vital admin and networking skills, this instructor-led course will teach you what you need to know. Learn advanced Linux administration skills including how to design, deploy and maintain a network running under Linux, how to administer the network services, the skills to create and operate a network in any major Linux distribution, how to securely configure the network interfaces, and how to deploy and configure file, web, email and name servers. Skill-based training modules - mapped to the LFCE cert exam include: 1) Linux Networking Concepts and Review, 2) Network Configuration, 3) Network Troubleshooting and Monitoring, 4) Remote Access, 5) Domain Name Service, 6) HTTP Servers, 7) Advanced HTTP Servers, 8) Email Servers, 9) File Sharing, 10) Advanced Networking, 11) HTTP Caching, 12) Network File Systems, 13) Introduction to Network Security, 14) Firewalls, 15) LXC Virtualization Overview, 16) High Availability, 17) Database, 18) System log, and 19) Package Management.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Colleagues, the JavaScript Unit Testing enables programmers to catch more of their own bugs before deploying their code. Testing is so important that some developers write tests before anything else, in a methodology known as test-driven development. Learn the fundamentals of test-driven development, and the popular JavaScript testing library, Mocha. This course focuses on unit tests, which are the smallest and most specific types of software tests. After this course, you’ll be ready to test larger software features with the course. Gain high-demand expertise in: 1) Why Test? - Manual Testing,, Automated Testing, The Test Suite, Tests As Documentation, Regression; 2) Write Good Tests With Mocha - learn to use the Mocha framework and the Node.js assert library to write, automate, and organize tests in Javascript - install Mocha I, Install Mocha II, describe and it blocks, assert, Setup, Exercise, and Verify, Teardown, Hooks; and 3) Learn Test-Driven Development With Mocha - learners will practice test driven development to create their own JavaScript testing suite using Mocha.js. - Getting Into The Red I, Red To Green I, Refactor I, Getting into the Red II, Red to Green II, Refactor II and Edge Case.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Colleagues, the Statistical Modeling for Data Science Applications Specialization will equip you to build your Statistical Skills for Data Science. Master the Statistics Necessary for Data Science. Learn to Correctly analyze and apply tools of regression analysis to model relationship between variables and make predictions given a set of input variables., Successfully conduct experiments based on best practices in experimental design.and Use advanced statistical modeling techniques, such as generalized linear and additive models, to model a wide range of real-world relationships. Gain high demand skills in Linear Models, R Programming, Statistical Models, Regresion, Calculus and probability theory, and Linear Algebra.. The three courses in this Specialization include: 1) Modern Regression Analysis in R - provides a set of foundational statistical modeling tools for data science. In particular, students will be introduced to methods, theory, and applications of linear statistical models, covering the topics of parameter estimation, residual diagnostics, goodness of fit, and various strategies for variable selection and model comparison. Attention will also be given to the misuse of statistical models and ethical implications of such misuse., 2) ANOVA and Experimental Design - This second course in statistical modeling will introduce students to the study of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) - provides the mathematical basis for designing experiments for data science applications. Emphasis will be placed on important design-related concepts, such as randomization, blocking, factorial design, and causality. Some attention will also be given to ethical issues raised in experimentation, and 3) Generalized Linear Models and Nonparametric Regression - study a broad set of more advanced statistical modeling tools. Such tools will include generalized linear models (GLMs), which will provide an introduction to classification (through logistic regression); nonparametric modeling, including kernel estimators, smoothing splines; and semi-parametric generalized additive models (GAMs). Emphasis will be placed on a firm conceptual understanding of these tools. Attention will also be given to ethical issues raised by using complicated statistical models.
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Colleagues, this Cloud Native Application Architecture program help you meet the growing demand for cloud native architects and learn to identify the best application architecture solutions for an organization’s needs. Master the skills necessary to become a successful cloud native architect. Learn to run and manage scalable applications in a cloud native environment, using open source tools and projects like ArgoCD, gRPC, and Grafana. The training modules, each with a hands-on project, include: 1) Cloud Native Fundamentals - learn how to structure, package, and release an application to a Kubernetes cluster, while using an automated CI/CD pipeline. Students will start by applying a suite of good development practices within an application, package it with Docker and distribute it through DockerHub. This will transition to the exploration of Kubernetes resources and how these can be used to deploy an application.Towards the end of the course, students will learn the fundamentals of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions and ArgoCD and completely automate the release process for an application (Project: TechTrends); 2) Message Passing - learn how to refactor microservice capabilities from a monolithic architecture, and employ different forms of message passing in microservices. To begin, students will create a migration strategy to refactor a service from a monolith to its own microservice and implement the migration. Next, students will be introduced to industry standard best practices for message passing in a service architecture (Project - Refactor Udaconnect); 3) Observability - observability in distributed systems. To be effective as an observability expert, it is critical to understand how to monitor and respond to the health and performance of both your Kubernetes clusters and the applications hosted on them. This course will teach students how to collect system performance data using Prometheus (Project: Building a Metrics Dashboard); 4) Microservices Security - harden a Docker and Kubernetes microservices architecture. To begin, students will learn STRIDE to threat model and reason about microservice security. Next, students will dig deep to explore the Docker and Kubernetes attack surface and be introduced to industry open-source tools such as Docker-bench and Kube-bench to evaluate and harden Docker and Kubernetes weaknesses. Students will then learn about software composition analysis with Trivy and Grype to evaluate image layers and common application security vulnerabilities and provide remediation. (Project: Hardened Microservices Environment); and 5) Capstone Project - Uda CityShop - evaluate the costs of products in different currencies and follow the recommendations of browsing products with variate discount rates based on ads.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Sign-up today (teams & execs welcome):
Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central
Colleagues, in the Become a Data Architect you will learn how to plan, design and implement enterprise data infrastructure solutions. Create the blueprints for an organizationĂ•s data management system.Meet the growing demand for full stack developers and learn to build rich web experiences using a modern architecture and technology stack. Plan, design and implement enterprise data infrastructure solutions and create the blueprints for an organization’s data management system. You’ll create a relational database with PostGreSQL, design an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) data model to build a cloud based data warehouse, and design scalable data lake architecture that meets the needs of Big Data. Finally, you’ll learn how to apply the principles of data governance to an organization’s data management system. Training modules and hands-on projects cover: 1) Data Architecture Foundations - learn to design a data model, normalize data, and create a professional ERD. Finally, you will take everything you learned and create a physical database using PostGreSQL (Project: Design and HR Database); 2) Designing Data Systems - learn to design OLAP dimensional data models, design ELT data processing that is capable of moving data from an ODS to a data warehouse, and write SQL queries for the purpose of building reports (Project: Design a Data Warehouse for Reporting & OLAP); 3) Big Data Systems - learn about the internal architecture of many of the Big Data tools such as HDFS, MapReduce, Hive and Spark, and how these tools work internally to provide distributed storage, distributed processing capabilities, fault tolerance and scalability. Next you will learn how to evaluate NoSQL databases, their use cases and dive deep into creating and updating a NOSQL database with Amazon DynamoDB. Finally, you will learn how to implement Data Lake design patterns and how to enable transactional capabilities in a Data Lake (Project: Design an Enterprise Data Lake System); and 4) Data Governance - learn about the different types of metadata, and how to build a Metadata Management System, Enterprise Data Model, and Enterprise Data Catalog. Finally, you will learn the concepts of Master Data and golden record, different types of Master Data Management Architectures, as well as the golden record creation and master data governance processes (Project: Data Governance at Sneakerpeak). Intermediate Python and SQL skills and familiarity with ETL/Data Pipelines are needed.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central