Monday, November 22, 2021

Become a C++ Developer

Dev colleagues, Become a C++ Developer and expand your career-income potential. Learn C++, a high-performance programming language used in the world's most exciting engineering jobs -- from self-driving cars and robotics, to web browsers, media platforms, servers, and even video games. Learn C++ by Coding Five Project Get hands-on experience by coding five real-world projects. Learn to build a route planner using OpenStreetMap data, write a process monitor for your computer, and implement your own smart pointers. Finally, showcase all your newfound skills by building a multithreaded traffic simulator and coding your own C++ application. To optimize your chances of success in the C++ Nanodegree program, we recommend intermediate knowledge of any programming language. Training modules: 1)  C++ Foundations - develop, compile, and execute C++ programs as well as syntax, functions, containers, and how to link together multiple files (Project: Route Planner); 2) Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - build classes, interfaces, and generic templates to create an object-oriented C++ program. Learn how modern C++ includes many tools for writing clean, reusable code (Project: Process Monitor); 3) Memory Management - control static and dynamic memory in C++ using the Resource Acquisition Is Initialization pattern, pointers, references, and move semantics (Project: Memory Management Chatbot); 4) Concurrency - launch process and threads in order to execute logic in parallel. Then advance to thread synchronization and communication, to experience the full power of concurrent programming (Project: Concurrent Traffic Simulation); and 5) Capstone Project - put all of your new C++ skills to use! Utilize the core concepts from this Nanodegree program - object-oriented programming, memory management, and concurrency - to build your own application using C++  (Project: Build your own C++ Application).

Sign-up today (teams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central

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