Dev colleagues, the Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Developer + Java Programmer program includes 220 hours of training and will equip you with robust knowledge of Structured Query Language (SQL). In this course, you'll learn both SQL and the Java programming language. Oracle SQL is a powerful database programming language that is the standard in the industry. This SQL course provides even more value because it combines Oracle training with sections on PL/SQL Developer and Java Programming, so you learn multiple technologies in one. This course is the best way to learn SQL and is ideal for those looking to get started in each of these coding languages. Learn to use Oracle SQL to communicate with relational databases, including updating and retrieving data, use the PL/SQL procedural language extension and the basics of using blocks, subprograms, and triggers, and apply the Java environment and syntax, from arrays, inheritance, and interfaces to exceptions and collections. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Developer,- Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL,and Oracle SQL Developer Final Project 2) Java Programming - Java Introduction, Java Basics, Java Objects, Comparisons And Flow Control Structures, Arrays, Inheritance, Interface, Exceptions, Generics and Collections, Inner Classes and an Hotel Reservations Case Study.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central