Finance colleagues, this 12 week training program will fully equip you to Financial Analysis and Decision Making with Xero and Tableau. Learn how to translate financial data insights into deliverable actions. Boost your financial planning and analysis - Xero and Tableau are two of the most important financial planning and analysis tools available. This financial analysis course will give you the skills you need to analyse finances to improve performance and get ahead of the market. The two core skill-based modules address: 1) Financial Analysis for Business Performance: Learn how to use Xero accounting software for budgeting and finance analytics and drive business performance using data.(6 weeks, 12 hours per week), and 2) Financial Analysis for Business Decisions. Discover data visualisation with Tableau and make investment decisions with business case analyses and new market strategies (6 weeks - 13 hours per week). Microcredentials are designed to upskill you for work in rapidly-growing industries, without the time and cost commitment of a full degree.
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Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central (OLC)