Thursday, September 19, 2024

Explore the Amazon Audible & Kindle Book Series from Genesys Digital

Explore the Amazon Audible & Kindle Book Series from Genesys Digital

Transformative Innovation1 - ChatGPT, Gemini and Llama - The Journey from AI to AGI, ASI and Singularity (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - ChatGPT - The Era of Generative Conversational AI Has Begun (Audible) (Kindle

3 - The Race for Quantum Computing (Audible) (Kindle

Learning Wizard

1 - Productivity for Everyone - Your Journey to Greater Achievement and Well-Being (Audible) (Kindle

2 - The Upskill Gambit - Discover the 5 Keys to Your Career and Income Security in the Digital Age  (Audible) (Kindle

3 - Creative Problem Solving: Root Cause Analysis, 5 Whys, Feynman Technique and Beyond (Audible) (Kindle

4 - Transformation of the Global Education System - The Disruptive Impact of AI, Mixed Reality and Next Gen Knowledge Workers (Audible) (Kindle

5 - Gifted - Transform your life with lessons learned from the world’s most creative people (Audible) (Kindle

6 - The Art and Science of Learning - Ordinary Gifts … Exceptional Results (Audible) (Kindle

The Interview Prodigy:

1 - AI Software Engineer: ChatGPT, Bard & Beyond (Audible) (Kindle

2 - JavaScript Full Stack Developer: Capture the Job Offer and Advance Your Career (Audible) (Kindle)

Era of Digital Finance:

1 - Crypto Spring … Re-Birth of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies (Audible) (Kindle

2 - Personal Finance 2.0: The Impact of Cryptocurrency, AI, and Mixed Reality (Audible)  (Kindle)

Web 3.0:

1 - Birth of a Web 3.0 Decentralized World Order - From Blockchain to Metaverse … and Beyond (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - NFTs, DAOs and DeFi … Next Generation Web 3.0 Technologies Transforming Our Lives (Audible)  (Kindle

Data-Driven Organizations: 

1 - Data-Driven Decision-Making  (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - Implementing Data Science Methodology: From Data Wrangling to Data Viz (Audible) (Kindle)

National Security and Foreign Affairs:

1 - Xi Jinping’s China: #1 Existential Threat to the USA (Audible) (Kindle)

2 - North Korea: Brinkmanship or On the Brink? (Kindle

3 - The Impending Impeachment of Donald J.Trump: What is Truth? (Kindle

4 - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: The World's Most Dangerous Man (Kindle

5 - WikiLeaks Exposed: Balancing Free Speech with National Security (Kindle

6 - China and the US Foreign Debt Crisis: Does China Own the USA? (Kindle)

Israel and the Holy Land:

1 - Israel: A One State Solution (Kindle)

2 - Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Kindle)

Order today, Genesys Digital (Amazon Author Page)

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