Monday, February 21, 2022

Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam (Prep Course)

Colleagues, the Google Certified Professional Data Engineer with an average salary of  $171,749 ranks #1 on the Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report for 2021. This course will equip you to pass the certification exam. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Understanding the Professional Data Engineer Certification - Establish basic knowledge about the certification exam and eliminate any confusion or misunderstandings about the process and nature of the exam itself, 2) Designing Data Processing Systems - data processing systems design skills, data structures, and database skills, 3) Building and Operationalizing Data Processing Systems - building of data processing systems, including assembling data processing from parts, as well as using full services, 4) Operationalizing Machine Learning Models - data analysis, analysis and optimization of business processes, and machine learning skills, 5) Security, Policy, and Reliability - reliability, policies, security, and compliance skills, and 6) Resources and Next Steps - resources for learning more about identified subjects on the exam.

Enroll today (eams & execs welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central

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