Monday, March 11, 2019

Attention DBAs & SysAdmins: MySQL DBA Certification Training will increase your earnings and career potential

Colleagues, MySQL DBA Certification Training trains you on the core concepts & advanced tools and techniques to manage data and administer the MySQL Database. It includes hands-on learning on concepts like MySQL Workbench, MySQL Server, Data Modeling, MySQL Connector, Database Design, MySQL Command line, MySQL Functions etc. End of the training you will be able to create and administer your own MySQL Database and manage data. Following the course completion you will obtain the skills below needed to pass the MySQL DBA Certification exam: Understand MySQL products, professional services and support for your operating system, Define a relational database management system (RDBMS) and describe its structure, Explain the use of SQL and MySQL with relational databases, Define data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML), Understand MySQL client/server model and work with MySQL connectors, Install the MySQL server on Linux, start and stop MySQL server, Interact with the server using the MySQL command-line client, Log your MySQL command-line client session to a text file, and Use MySQL Workbench to interact with the server. Enroll today at Much career success, Lawrence Wilson (

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