Colleagues, the Linux Foundation’s Containers for Developers and Quality Assurance (LFD254) program will equip you to automate and streamline their processes with Docker. It includes 40 hours of training material. The course reviews Docker basics and then, with the help of a sample application, walks through the lifecycle of that application with Docker. Students work on an IDE, from which they would commit code to GitHub. Once the code is committed, test cases are triggered and, if they pass, the application will be deployed in the staging environment. We will also see how the process can be extended to deploy the application in production. Training modules that will equip with high-demand skills include: 1) Installing Docker, 2) Docker Essentials for Developers and Quality Assurance, 4) Becoming Familiar with Sample Applications, 5) Deploying a Multi-Container App with Docker Compose, 6) Setting Up the Development Environment, 7) CI/CD and Jenkins Overview, 8) Docker Containers as Jenkins Agents, 9) CI/CD with Jenkins, 10) Basics of Container Orchestration, 11) Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm, 12) Service Discovery, Reverse Proxy and Load Balancing, 13) The End-to-End Workflow of an App with Containers, and 14) Introduction to Microservices.
Enroll today (teams & execs welcome):
Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Online Learning Central